How to Install WordPress via the cPanel?

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At SKGOLD Hosting, you can easily install WordPress in a few clicks by using the Softaculous automatic app installer located in your cPanel (hosting control panel).

  1. Log in to your cPanel. If you don't remember how to do this, or if you forgot the username and password for your cPanel, please follow instructions provided in this article:

  2. Navigate to the Software section and click the Softaculous App Installer icon.
    Softaculous App Installer
  3. Click the WordPress icon.
    WordPress Icon
  4. Switch to the Install tab.
    WordPress Install
  5. On this page you will need to fill up the details of your WordPress installation.
  6. Please pay attention to the "In Directory" field on the form. By default the Softaculous will install the WordPress in the "wp" sub-folder. If you want your website to be visible on the Internet directly under the, please remove the "wp" from the "In Directory" field.
    WordPress Directory
  7. The popularity and large volume of users make the WordPress the first and easiest target for hackers. For hardening a security of your WordPress installation we strongly recommend the following settings:
    • Change the "admin" username to something more complex and use a strong hard-to guess password.
      WordPress Admin
    • Select the "Limit Login Attempts" plugin to be included with your WordPress installation.
      WordPress Plugins
    • Select all Auto Upgrade options in the Advanced Options section. This means that your WordPress, plugins and themes will be updated automatically once your script developers will release new patches when potential security threats arise.
      WordPress Upgrade
  8. When ready, scroll down and click the Install button. In a few seconds you should see the message that the WordPress has been successfully installed.
    WordPress Button

Well Done! You can now login into your WordPress admin area and start building your website!

For more information on how to use the WordPress, please refer to the WordPress documentation located on this page

Feel free to open a support ticket through your client area if you have any questions and/or need help.


Read 9034 times Last modified on Saturday, 19 November 2016 21:00